Do What You Love


Are you happy with your job? Do you actually enjoy getting up five days a week to build someone else’s business—someone else’s dream? Or, have you already started your business only to find yourself hopelessly distracted and confused by terms like “inbound marketing” and acronyms like SEO and SEM?

If you are like 70 percent of Americans, you probably hate your job. But, it doesn’t get much worse than hating the job you created for yourself! At Alexis Chateau PR, we provide affordable public relations services, so you can focus on what you do best.

Bake your cakes. Write your novels. Save the world. Let us handle all the fancy acronyms for you!

We love what we do. Do you?

Who We Are

At Alexis Chateau PR, we are all entrepreneurs. Together, we provide the content strategy services you need to build your brand, strengthen its credibility, and kick that bad nine-to-five habit to the curb.

Collectively, we harness 80+ years of industry experience to bring you solutions we’ve tested and applied, time and time again. Each member of our team of seven has owned their own startup or professional freelance practice—sometimes both. And, we all have a creative background ranging from painting to music.

Oh, plus we have a cat on our team. No, really. We do.

Contact Us

For more information about what we do, how we do it, and how much it costs, reach out via the contact form below. The first consultation is always FREE, and if you ever want us to stop contacting you, the safe word is Flibbertigibbet


If you’re a writer, then check out our special division for independent authors at black CATastrophy.

Alexis Chateau Black

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