Why Visitors Check Your Home Page But Then Ignore Your Blog

There are many reasons people visit a website, but never move beyond the landing page, or make any further engagements with the content on the website. Common reasons include difficulties viewing the content from their mobile device, or simply never even knowing the blog section existed.

Below we will explore a few of the main reasons people do not move beyond your home page. But before we get started, let’s establish the difference between a website and a blog. A blog is a collection of articles; whereas a website is a collection of web pages, which may or may not include a blog.

Now that that’s settled, here are a few of the reasons your visitors don’t give your blog the attention it deserves.

Poor Website Design

Many small businesses make the mistake of adding way too many bells and whistles in an attempt to be unique and innovative. But more often than not, this only creates confusion for your users, and makes the website difficult to navigate.

If there are too many items to load on a page, the website also slows down, and users could become frustrated and close the page. For those who stick around for a while, they may still not even know there is a blog, as it is not immediately obvious. So once they get their fill of the home page, they simply move on.

Not Mobile Friendly

In 2016, mobile browsing surpassed browsing from a personal computer for the first time. In October of that year, 51.3% of searches took place on a smartphone or tablet. And yet, there are many companies who neglect to make their websites compatible with mobile devices.

If users have a hard time viewing the website on their smaller screens, they are unlikely to move beyond the home page. Understanding the importance of this, Google has been penalizing websites that are not mobile friendly, by ranking them lower in mobile search results.

Poor Website Copy

Most About Me pages are downright boring — the same goes for home pages, which also tend to be about the person or company. If this is the case for your website, people have no incentive to move beyond that first page.

Website copy with a lot of typos and grammatical errors can also turn people off from reading, even if it might have otherwise been interesting. And finally, if the website copy tends to be a long and self-indulgent ramble, readers assume the blog posts will be just as terrible, and decide not to read them.

Annoying Pop-Ups

Since the dawn of the internet, nothing has been as annoying as pop-up boxes. Yet, we use them to encourage readers to subscribe to our newsletters, or buy our books. This is fine as long as users may easily close the box.

If there is no immediately obvious way to close the box and view the rest of the content, people will invariably just close the web page to escape any obligations to subscribe to newsletters, watch ads, or purchase items.

Poor Promotion Skills

Typically, when people own a blog, the idea is not to promote the blog itself, but to promote individual articles that resolve issues people may be facing — from boredom to filing taxes. If you promote these individual articles via social media, and through collaborations with other bloggers, or even in person, people will bypass the home page and go straight to the articles.

It is easier to market an article over an entire blog, because people have time to read one article, and know what to expect from one article. In contrast, they may not have time to explore the entire blog, and will not know exactly what to expect from the collection of posts. Make it easy. Point them to a specific item, and let them discover the rest on their own.

Are you struggling with drawing traffic to the articles you’ve published on your blog? In the past five months, my personal blog has averaged 23,621 hits per month. Are you confident your website could do as well, or better, with the right content management plan? Then shoot us an email. I’d be happy to help!

Alexis Chateau Black

About the Author

4 Alexis Chateau PR Atlanta GA

Alexis Chateau is the Founder and Managing Director at Alexis Chateau PR. She is an activist, writer, and explorer. Follow her stories of trial and triumph at www.alexischateau.com.


12 Comments Add yours

  1. Reblogged this on Plaisted Publishing House and commented:
    Some great points. I’m still updating me…Always a work in progress.


  2. I decided to keep t it simple this time and I published a story that I wrote on my WordPress blog’s homepage. When I feel the desire to write another story then I will. I’ve been down the promotion rabbit hole. It’s boring and time consuming. So I decided to just post links to my blog in my biography information on a few of my social media sites. I’ve also done the Google and Bing webmaster tools bit complete with sitemaps. This is equally boring to me. Promotion is the hardest part of website design or blogging. Thanks for sharing your advice.


    1. Promotion is the hardest part of gaining traction for any project. You’re right about that, but I would disagree that it’s boring. I love the content marketing, social media work, and graphic design that comes behind all that work.

      Should you ever have need of my expertise, you know how to find me! All the best on your projects 🙂


      1. My problem with WordPress is their mobile app is basically useless whenever I want to do any editing on a post. As far as promotion goes I’ve done a lot and I feel as if I am wasting my time. I have nothing to show for it. I mean what’s the point of writing if nobody visits and takes the time to read what I’ve painstakingly written? It all gets so frustrating. I’ve made a few changes to my site but I am not optimistic. Thanks for responding to my post. Have a wonderful day.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Blogging on WordPress is best done from a computer, but we have used the Android App to write and edit posts without issue. You can also use your phone’s browser and sign it like you usually would, if you want all the usual features.

        If you need assistance with promotion, do reach out.


      3. I just get so frustrated with writing a story and getting no traffic. I mean what’s the use of having a blog if nobody is interested in reading what I write? Thanks for your response.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. You have to find your audience, Robert. If they don’t know your blog exists, they can’t read it. That’s the basis of public relations and marketing. Once you find your audience and keep them interested, traffic comes rolling in.


      5. I agree with Alexis, you have to find your audience. I feel the easiest way to do that is interact with people that you think will be interested in your content on social media platforms like WordPress.

        Liked by 1 person

      6. I agree with you there, but advertising is also important. In real life, there are many of us with friends who have businesses and artsy projects we never support. Imagine strangers. Interaction is a start but on its own, it probably won’t be enough.


      7. Yes! So true. The trick is to make sure you are advertising on the correct platform and tracking the results. If you don’t, you are just throwing money down the drain.

        Liked by 1 person

      8. …or luck is on your side, which we have seen. We believe it’s best to know your audience, what they like and where they hang out (online and off). All the best!


      9. I know one thing that will help you. Update your WordPress profile with a link to your blog. Here is how to do it. https://codex.wordpress.org/How_to_Use_Gravatars_in_WordPress

        Liked by 1 person

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